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How To Read Manga For The First Time 5 Rules To Follow

If so, you are not the only one having a hard time getting started with the first time you read a manga. For readers who are brand new to manga, the direction may seem "backward" and it can be difficult to locate the right text bubble or where to go next. This how to read manga guide is all you need. Read on!

5 Rules To Remember When You Read Manga Manga For The First Time!

1. Read The Manga Right To Left

Japanese Manga is not meant to be read left-to-right fashion like American manga. Each page has Manga art of its own and each of them should be read in the same left-to-right method. In case where you are looking additional hints on Manga, click over here.

At first the sudden shift in reading style may feel weird and slow down the speed of your reading. After a few Manga reads, you'll find it no different at all.

When your eyes have reached the very left edge of the page, you can move them to the far right to take a look at the next row, and continue reading the same way.

2. Begin The Manga From Back Side

It's a bit weird and all, but it's the way it works! The manga's "back" is actually the cover.

Compared to traditional American manga of the American style (where you begin reading the book from the front) Japanese manga follows the opposite style.

Start reading manga from the back and move to the beginning of the page.

3. Each page should be read vertically , from top to bottom

In general reading, we read everything in a vertical fashion, starting from the top and ending at the bottom and this is the exact case when reading a manga.

Whatever the manga is, whether Japanese or English-translated manga, you need to move your gaze from the top to the lower part of the page.

4. It is also possible to read speech bubbles the same way

As we mentioned before Manga is intended to be read from right to left, and from top to the bottom. The same applies to speech bubbles and word bubbles.

When reading dialog bubbles, look at it from the top of the page in a right to left direction. The same pattern should be used for every dialogue bubble.

5. Read Panels in Right-To-Left Direction

In the case of manga panels, the right-to left direction rule is followed regardless of whether the panels are placed vertically or in a side-by-side fashion.

Additionally, manga with both outside and inside panels is created in a way that it doesn't disrupt the flow of the reader and keeps them engaged in it.

Learn these five basic manga reading rules to master the art of how to read manga!

What Are Manga Panels and How to Read Them?

Manga panels are the frame that surrounds a specific event in time on a page.

It frames a single sketch or drawing. It sometimes has speech bubbles which give the art work the voice of a story.

There are a variety of manga panels. Mangakas choose one that expresses emotions and feelings at the moment.

These are only a handful examples of the various kinds of manga panels that you'll find in Japanese mangas and comics all over the world.

The traditional four-panel panel is the most common kind of Manga panel. It's used by mangakas to divide pages into equal parts.

It could be either by placing four identical panels the top of each other or by dividing the page into four equal quadrants.