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How To Use New Pings In League Of Legends

Communication with your teammates is the key to winning games in competitive play, no matter if you're an amateur or professional player. As with any other competitive sport it is the same in League of Legends as well. In LoL, you need to develop strategies through combining with your allies to outplay your opponents. It's not only important to communicate with your teammates however, it's also essential for advising your teammates of any possible dangers. LoL's "pings" function is extremely useful and convenient, as many threats can be discovered in a flash. There are a variety of kinds of pings available in the game, and a while ago new pings were added. In this article, we'll guide you on how to use the new pings available in League of Legends. We'll also assist you to decide when and where they can be utilized. Let's begin.

What are Pings in League Of Legends?

LoL pings are messages that players can transmit to their team to exchange information. You can use this information to inform your teammates about important matters such as the position of an enemy champion, letting them know that you are retreating, or if you are about joining the fight. It is possible to relay the information directly to the opponent through clicking "ping" and not disrupting the game's flow. If you choose typing, you will likely miss a step which could end up in harm for you. Whether you aim for a full article about lol ping test, look at this website.

Your colleagues won't need to listen to the distinctive sound of pings. These unique voices will allow them to know what you are alerting on. To do this, you should be aware of the various pings that are available in League of Legends.

Ping Types in Lol

Pings in League of Legends as one of two kinds of pings: regular pings that give simple alerts and smart pings, which send more complex and detailed pings. You can consider smart pings as a new ping in the game as they were released not much some time some time ago.

Regular Pings

Basic Ping: Simply press CTRL/G, and then left-click to use basic ping. Although this ping does not provide any specific information but if you do it properly, your colleagues will be able to understand the message you're alerting them to.

Caution Ping: Press Alt or V, then Left-click to turn on the caution ping. The caution ping, however, does not specifically tell you anything, but you can make use of it to inform your colleagues that there's something important about.

These pings can also be used to ping the minimap or terrain. You may also ping areas that aren't in your angle. If, for instance, you suspect that your mid-laner's going to be ganked, you could use the minimap to ping mid and alert your mid-laner.


These pings can be more specific and intricate. However, they're extremely beneficial as you can warn your teammates for any specific danger or movement immediately. Let's not go over them too much. Instead, let's take a an in-depth look at each one of these clever (new!) pings one-by-one.


You first need to open the menu for smart ping within LoL. Once that is done choose the ping that you want to use. The menu is accessible by pressing CTRL/ALT/G or V, or left-click.

All you have to do now is to click your mouse to the ping you desire. That's it!

You may have realized that this menu doesn't contain the "ward Ping." This is because the warded ping is not available by default. You can open the options menu via your game or client. You can then utilize hotkeys to choose the "Communication” section. In this section, you can create an additional hotkey that will activate the warded signal. The warded ping will indicate that you think that the adversary has been able to block the alerting zone.

Things to keep in mind

Now that you have learned how to use the new Pings in league of legends, here is some suggestions for you on how to effectively use them:

Avoid using pings on your teammates. You might be angry at them, but if you express this anger through pings, your teammates' performance will dramatically decrease. This could lead to you losing the game.

Always make sure to make sure you use pings in a proper manner. If you ping that you are traveling but do not show up, it could create problems for your teammates. Your team members may lose faith in you, as well.

If you're not certain to ping something but there is sufficient time, just type the information instead of pinging. If time is not an issue, typing could be more effective.

Last but not least, you should use Pings often.

If you notice an enemy champion hiding and you feel that you should not ping "enemy missing" then your team will likely fall into an unintentional trap. Don't forget to ping missing when you spot an enemy hidden in your lane. He could be preparing to attack!