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How Does Cauda Equina Syndrome Work?

Cauda equina means horse's tail and it describes the nerves found at the end of the spinal cord, that are similar to the tail of a horse. The nerves are affected by Cauda Equina Syndrome. Motor and sensory nerve fibers are affected, leading to problems in the sacral area and legs.

What is cauda-equina syndrome?

Cauda equina syndrome which is sometimes referred to as CES syndrome, occurs where damage is caused to specific nerves that are collectively known as the cauda equina. Cauda cauda equina compression is the typical issue here, where nerves of the caudal are compressed. Once you really want additional hints on cauda equina syndrome, check over here.

How rare is cauda-equina syndrome

CES is rare, with the it's prevalence among the general population varying from 1 out of 32,000 to one for every 100,000.

Where is the Equina Cauda?

These nerves radiate from the end of your spinal cord. From the second lumbar vertebra, to the first Coccyx vertebra, the roots of the cauda-equina and sympathetic nerves can be. The nerves radiate out and downwards branching further into smaller nerves that supply structures in the pelvis as well as the legs. From the conus medullaris the cauda-equina equina nerves are the spinal cord.

Conus medullaris vs cauda equina

Conus medullaris refers a portion of the spinal cord in the shape of a cone. Conus medullaris syndrome is an additional disorder that can occur which is similar to cauda-equina. Conus medullaris can be described as a condition that occurs when the nerve is injured higher between the 12th and the 2nd lumbar vertebrae.

Signs and symptoms of conus-medullaris syndrome are:

Acute back pain

The odd sensations can include tingling in the back and legs

What is the cauda-equina condition?

Cauda Equina syndrome is caused by causes that cause spinal nerve damage. The causes are listed below.

Herniated disk is an injury to nerves that is that is caused by the bulging of cartilaginous tissue.

Spinal Stenosis occurs where the spinal canal has narrowed.

Spina bifida is a congenital condition which causes issues in the development of the spinal cord.

Spinal cord injury: Diskitis is when there inflammation in the space between vertebrae.

A tumor in the spine A tumor can form in the tissue surrounding the spine, putting pressure on the nerves of the lower part of the cord.

A lumbar injury that is traumatized region: A collision can result in damage to nerves and structures of the spinal area.

Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is a type of polyneuropathy that may lead to cauda equina syndrome.

Cauda equina syndrome symptoms

Cauda equina symptoms involve the pelvic region as well as legs and may include a loss of leg strength and numbness across all areas served by the caudal nerves.

What are the first signs of cauda-equina syndrome?

Below are early symptoms of cauda-equina-syndrome.

Saddle paresthesia is a feeling that causes numbness or tingling in the buttocks and thighs as well as the your groin.

Saddle anesthesia is the most common sign. It occurs where the areas affected feel like they are numb.

Loss of feeling and weakness of the legs: Damage to the cauda equina nerves may cause signals from the legs do not pass easily up the spinal cord. Numbness is a common symptom of many spine degeneration problems.

Bowel incontinence: The tone of anal sphincter could be diminished and cause fecal leakage.

Leakage of the bladder: When the bladder is full it may cause excessive urine production and cause bladder incontinence.

Retention of urine: A person does not feel the have to go to the bathroom because of a lack of sensation.

Additional symptoms of cauda equina syndrome are as follows:

Sciatica: Pain that begins at the back of the lower thigh, and is then extended into one or both legs.

Sharp lower back pain This could be because of inflammation in the area of the back where the disc is bulging.

Inability to walk: This happens because the motor function of the nerves is affected.

Reflexes are reduced: The break in nerve signals indicates that messages cannot get through to the part of the spinal cord where reflexes are produced.

Cauda equina syndrome diagnosis

Doctors must determine if patients suffer from conus medullaris vs cauda. This can be achieved by a careful diagnosis.

To diagnose cauda equina syndrome, imaging methods are required. Diagnostic methods for Cauda Equina are listed below.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) It is an excellent method for diagnosing CES since it shows precise specifics, which include soft tissues.

Computer tomography (CT) is also referred to as computer tomography, is a scanner that shows the bones as well as the size of the region surrounding the spinal cord.

Myelogram is an scan of the spine that has been taken after a contrast dye has been injected into the body. This will show the pinched nerves.

Does cauda equina syndrome go away?

This condition will not go away by itself. It's extremely difficult to live with CES particularly as it can lead to the incontinence becoming total and paralyzed. If not treated, complications could occur.

What is the treatment for cauda equina syndrome?

Cauda equina treatment depends on the precise cause for the condition.

Lumbar laminectomy (lumbar laminectomy) In order to provide more room for nerves that are pinched by a problem within the vertebra, a part of the spine is removed.

Microdiscectomy: It is done in the event that the cauda-equina nerves are squeezed due to the disc's bulge. The bulging portion of cartilage disk is removed and the pressure is removed of the nerves.

Treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery: Tumors to the spine could be metastatic or primary. Surgery along chemotherapy and radiation can be used to treat.


Cauda equina syndrome has to be distinguished and diagnosed from conus medullaris. It is essential to determine the cause before further damage can be caused. Cauda Equina syndrome treatment must be started as soon as possible. The severity of the disease will determine how fast patients will recover from Cauda Equina Syndrome.