

Milton Keynes Bowl, Thornborough GB 


6 juillet 1991



Looking back, this was slightly wasted on me at the time as I didn't appreciate how rooted in the Blues ZZ Top are. I only knew the big hits and I wasn't really a blues man. Only now do I really get Top and see them for the geniuses that they are! Adams was the singalong that you'd expect. Notable for my first glimpse of the often under rated Thunder!This was surely a better gig than my rating would indicate!
ajouté par Martin Hizer
12 hours of Rock First time zz top. After that 3 more
ajouté par Alex
Can anyone help with a question that's been bugging me for 25 years!!!. The Law played at this gig of course and one of the guitarists wore a daft silver or gold wig as a "disguise".....I was pretty sure at the time this was the mighty rock god, David Gilmour, but I've never been able to find any hard truth.

The Wikipedia page for the Law doesn't mention him in relation to this gig but does say he did a guest spot for the band.

Someone resolve this once and for all please!!!
ajouté par Peter Lewis
I was there with my son - still got the T shirt! Always been a top fan their rendition of legs was brilliant that day...
ajouté par Paul Waddingham

Concert ajouté par Martin Hizer
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