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Six Advice for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention

Human Immunodeficiency (HIV), a type of virus which can be fatal, attacks the immune systems of people and makes them vulnerable to diseases. HIV is primarily transmitted by sexual contact, sharing of needles or transferred from pregnant women to their children in the course of childbirth, pregnancy or during breastfeeding. Fortunately, there are several methods to avoid HIV infection. Here are 6 tips to help with HIV prevention.

Get Tested Regularly
Regular HIV tests are the most effective way to protect yourself from HIV. Understanding the facts about your HIV status is crucial in making educated decisions regarding your sexual health. Being able to detect early signs of HIV can enable you to get therapy that helps manage your virus and stop transmission. A regular test will make sure that you are HIV-free and will give you confidence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that all people aged 13 to 64 be tested for HIV every once. If you are in high danger then it is suggested to be tested more often. In case where you desire to discover new information on Human Immunodeficiency Virus, you've to browse around aids2010 site.

Make sure you are practicing safe sexual behavior
Practicing safe sex is essential for HIV prevention. Make sure to use a condom every time you have oral sex and use dental dams. Beware of sharing your sex toys. Communication is key. You must be honest and open to your partner about your sexual history and the state of your health. It is essential to stay clear of the transmission of HIV if either you or your spouse has HIV or another sexually transmitted illness.

Make sure to use clean needles
If you inject drugs It is essential to use safe needles and syringes each at all times. Sharing needles and syringes increases your risk for HIV and bloodborne illnesses such as hepatitis.

Take into consideration Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) can be described as a drug which reduces the likelihood for HIV transmission by as high as 99 percent if taken according to the directions. PrEP is recommended for those who are at high risk of HIV transmission, for example individuals with an HIV-positive partner or those who engage in sexually risky behaviors. PrEP is available by prescription and can be used daily as well as prior to and following any sexual activity.

Avoid High-Risk Behaviors
Engaging in risky behaviors could increase the risk in HIV transmission. Unprotected sexual activity, injectable drug use, and sexwork are all examples. It is essential to utilize condoms and clean needles if you engage in activities that pose a high risk of developing HIV.

Your fellows and you can also educate yourselves
HIV prevention is an aspect of education. It is vital to educate you and your loved ones on HIV transmission, prevention, and treatment. It is essential to know the importance of being checked, using safe sexual relations and using clean syringes. It is also crucial to tackle HIV stigma and discrimination, and help those who live with HIV.

HIV infection is serious, but can be cured. HIV prevention involves regular testing, a regimen of safe sexual behavior and utilizing the most clean needles.