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Did you know that only 2 percent of all purchases are made in the first contact moment? This percentage is even only 10 percent at the fourth contact moment. The average customer needs between 5 and 8 contact points before they make a purchase. These interactions form the customer journey and the customer journey differs for each client. That is why it is crucial to be able to respond to this through your communications in order to ensure that customers get the right information at the right moment. The process of making buying is known as the sales funnel and marketing funnel.
Why do I need a funnel?
As we mentioned in the intro, a consumer needs between 5 to 8 contact times on average for a purchase. Are you annoyed? Not at all! It allows you to promote your business and products or service in such an approach that the consumer cannot be able to find you in any way.

Customer journey
The contact moments that lead to a purchase together form the journey of the buyer. Marketing experts and gurus have created many models for this purpose however the AIDA model is by far the most well-known. The model is comprised of the following components: AIDA model

Attention: The customer has a certain need and is aware of it and knows the value of your product or service
The customer starts to show interest in your products
Desire: the customer has the need to buy your product
The customer purchases your product.

Each stage of the model needs a unique method and message. If the customer does not know about your product, it's absurd to communicate the price and package.

Time and effectiveness
The luxvoni marketing ceo assures a smooth distribution of leads between marketing and sales and saves you or your staff a lot of time. Automated funnels guarantee that your communications and website give you constant leads 24 hours a day. The marketing department is able to focus on the communication within this funnel and the sales department will be able to efficiently spend its time by focusing on leads who are in the last part of the customer's journey, and therefore your funnel.

Advising and informing
Whether they are aware of it or not, consumers are required to be informed and advised by experts when purchasing. They need to be assisted in making the right choice. A sales funnel can help meet this need and at the same time position your company and product as the solution the customer needs.