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It's impossible to stop everyone who is using illegal substances. However, there are some actions we can take to help others avoid drinking and using drugs. If you share this information with your family and friends and you might be able to stop the use of drugs as well. These are the five most effective ways to prevent drug abuse:

1. Peer pressure can be effectively controlled. Peer pressure is the primary reason teens choose to use illegal substances. Nobody likes being excluded, and so teens (and even some adults too) are often doing things they normally wouldn't do, just to be accepted by others. In these instances you must either find a better group of friends who won't make you do dangerous actions, or to find a good way to refuse to participate. To avoid falling for dangerous situations, teenagers must be prepared or have a motive. Click over here to find out breaking news about drug abuse.

2. Control your stress levels. Overworked, overwhelmed people today frequently feel like the reward or break is in order. Drugs can make life stressfuland many do not realize this. To avoid taking drugs for a reward, find other ways to deal with stress and relax. Do some exercise and reading a good book, volunteer with those in need, and create something. Anything that is relaxing and positive can help to relax the mind. You can also use drugs to relieve anxiety.

3. Find help for your mental health. Substance abuse and mental illness frequently go hand-in-hand. Patients suffering from mental condition may resort to using substances to ease the pain. People suffering from a form of mental health disorder, such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder must seek the advice of a certified professional treatment before it causes drug use.

4. Examine each risk aspect. You'll be more likely to be able to handle any biological, environmental, physical or biological risks that you face. Risk factors include a history of substance abuse being in a household which encourages substance abuse and/or a family that promotes addiction to drugs.

5. Maintain a balanced life. If something isn't working, or they are unhappy in their lives, people are inclined to use substances. Consider the bigger picture and set the right priorities.

You can help someone suffering from Substance Abuse or Addiction Treatment.