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Make Use Of A Timer For Increased Productivity

A timer is a great tool to increase productivity as it can help you concentrate for long enough to complete difficult tasks. This method has been a staple of my life since I was a child. I learned it from my mother.

The simple idea is to set the timer for a brief amount of time that you must focus on a particular task and then get it done. It is not possible to check your email or surf the internet as the timer ticks down. The conversation with colleagues isn't permitted. Only focus on the task that is at hand.

This concept is known by been given a name and is called The Pomodoro Technique. Francesco Cirillo developed it in the 80s. It's named Pomodoro due to its need for a kitchen timer that looks a lot like tomatoes. Pomodoro is tomato in Italian and, as I'm sure you'll agree is more interesting than The Tomato Technique. Whenever you prefer special info about timer, sneak a peek at this website.


The rule of thumb is to split the work into 25-minute pieces. This is known as Pomodoros. It cannot be interrupted. It is possible to set the timer to focus on the laser beam. For me, the most important thing about this method is the "no interruptions" aspect. You can modify your "pomodoro" shorter or even longer than 25 mins. Do what you like.

This type of focus is beneficial for dozens of tasks. Write reports, reply to emails in batches and not overly long, review lengthy documents, conduct sales calls, and so on. Anything that could benefit from a solid focus you rarely handle. The most difficult tasks or those you tend to put off could be good reasons to apply this method.


Another method of using a online timer improves productivity is to remind you to take breaks. Between each focus period, you should take a 3 to 5 minutes break, get up from your chair, put away files on your desk, go through your To Do list, grab some water or coffee, and then top it off or stretch. During this period, don't overwork your brain. It's best to rest longer every couple of hours. 5- 10 minutes, perhaps. Short, frequent breaks are imperative to do the best job.

Use a Kitchen TIMER or PHONE TIMER?

The best reason for using the actual timer in your kitchen to boost productivity, instead of using an app for your phone, is that during the mere seconds it takes to navigate to the app and create the timer using your smartphone, you'll get distracted by other things on your smartphone. It's incredible how quickly our attention can shift when that gadget is in our hands. This can reduce your productivity instead of improving it.

It's also beneficial to know if the sound of ticking from your timer can be heard. As long as it's still ticking, you know it's counting down. You may be tempted to check the silent digital timer each once in a while to make sure it's functioning. You could lose your focus although it's not a huge risk.