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Top 5 Health Benefits Of Skiing And Snowboarding

The winter months are the ideal opportunity to engage in exercise, and lose those extra pounds from the holidays. It's the time to get moving, there is no reason to stay inside in winter. Take the family out to the local Pennsylvania slopes for an intense workout in the great outdoors. It not only offers beautiful views and fun, but serious health benefits, too.

1. Burns Calories

Skiing and snowboarding are excellent cardiovascular exercises that can help families burn some serious calories and lose weight. Based on the level of proficiency and weight, the final amount of calories burned per hour can vary. According to Harvard Medical School, a person who weighs 185lbs will burn 266 calories over 30 minutes of downhill skiing. For beginners, you can increase the calorie burn by walking up the slope rather than taking the ski lift. Advanced skiers will lose more calories when they walk up the slope. This is due to the fact that their body must exert more effort to maintain equilibrium. The cold weather also leads to a higher calorie burn because the body is compelled to exert more effort to increase its own body temperature. Once you demand special info on best snowboarding mountains, look at this website.

2. Strengthens Lower Body Muscles

This winter, bring your workout on the slopes. Skiing and snowboarding are good for the lower body. Skiing naturally keeps the body in the squat position, which is good for strengthening the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. The Snowboarding also exercises muscles that aren't used as often like the feet and ankles, which are engaged to help guide the board and keep balance.

3. Increases Flexibility

The skill of balance and involving the major muscle groups and the core when snowboarding and skiing makes the body more flexible. It can also reduce the risk of muscle strains, sprains and other injuries. Snowboarding especially improves flexibility tremendously since it requires the body to switch directions quickly and frequently. Just like any activity, it's suggested that parents develop an exercise routine before their time on the slopes as well as after to decrease the chance of injury.

4. Engages Core Muscles

It takes a lot of focus and balance to keep your body upright while skiing or snowboarding. It's difficult to maintain your balance when you're on slippery terrain, when you're swerving down the slope. When you have to stay steady, it causes the core muscles to work hard at engaging, which enhances abdominal muscles and overall core strength.

5. Boosts mood

Getting outdoors and exercising promotes an increase in endorphins production, that can induce feelings of satisfaction and joy. Families also get the boost of vitamin D exposure in the sun, which is especially vital in winter as the days get shorter.


There are many reasons to learn how to ski or snowboard. These activities offer a range of health benefits that boost your overall health in various ways.

There are plenty of centres in the UK where you can get lessons and prepare for the Swiss Alps or your dream trip to France.

If you opt for skiing or snowboard, you can guarantee that the physical and mental benefits will be well worth the time and effort. In addition, you can quit the gym for ever!