

Hammersmith Apollo, Hammersmith GB 


July 30, 2012



Excellent Show:

01. Walking The Cow-(Daniel Johnston)
(Ed starts "Trouble" but stops immediately. He talks about a prank he used to pull that involved flashlights and smacking a friend with a pillow. He says that all the flashes from cameras feel like that prank is being pulled on him. He offers to make all the faces he is going to make for five seconds while people take pictures in the hopes that the flashes will stop after that.)
02. Trouble-(Yusuf Islam)
03. Can't Keep
04. Sleeping By Myself
05. Without You
(Ed talks about the venue and all the great bands that have played here and how he never imagined he would see the place let alone play it. He has the lighting mixer turn up the house lights so he can see it better. He remarks that with all of the flags in the audience it looks a lot like The Olympics, except the seats are full here)
06. More Than You Know-(Rose, Eliscu, Youmans)
(A very young girl brings out a Ukulele for Ed. He comments that child labor laws in England must be lax. He then thanks Harper for bringing him the instrument)
07. Broken Heart (played on an old electric ukulele)
08. I Am Mine
09. Brain Damage-(Waters)
10. Dead Man
(Ed tells a story about an older gentleman that worked at tiny grocery on a small island. Lester would be gone from the grocery for several weeks and when Ed asked him where he had been Lester would say he had been to Switzerland or some other distant place. Ed later found out that "Lester the Traveller" hadn't left the island in 30 years. Ed would still ask Lester where he had been traveling.)
11. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
12. Setting Forth
13. Far Behind
14. Guaranteed
15. Rise
16. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
17. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)
(Ed's other daughter Olivia brings out a guitar for him. He jokes that if another young girl brings out a guitar he is going to be confused because he only has two daughters)
18. Better Man (high string version)
(Ed talks about being asked to perform this song for "I Am Sam". He describes how he went about investigating the song and what he learned about how it may have been written)
19. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
20. Lukin
21. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed tells a story that ranges from him reading an article about corn communicating with other plants with audible clicks, to a friend that liked to make hallucinogenic tea that would make you think plants had eyes, could see and communicate with you. This eventually leads to Ed living on a small island alone and naming plants and trying to communicate with them. When a palm tree drops a coconut at his feet he likes to think the tree was offering him sustenance but admits it could have been trying to kill him)
22. Unthought Known
23. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Jerry Hannan)
24. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Boudleaux Bryant, Felice Bryant) [played at the edge of the stage with no mics or PA)
25. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
26. Open All Night-(Bruce Springsteen)
27. The End
28. Arc
Encore Break 2
29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard-(Peterson)

Glen Hansard Set List
01. Say It To Me Now
(Glen talks about meeting Bob Dylan and that leading to The Frames opening for Bob at this venue)
02. Low Rising/Sexual Healing-(Brown, Gaye, Ritz)
03. I was Born To Hold You In These Arms
04. Love Don't Leave Me Waiting/Respect-(Redding)
05. Come Away To The Water
06. Bird Of Sorrow
07. Drive All Night-(Springsteen)/Feels Like Rain-(Hiatt)
08. The Song Of Good Hope
added by metal ed

Concert added by metal ed
Average rating  :  1 2 3 4 5
