

Blackheath Halls, London GB 


March 30, 2022



This group comes from Tuva, a Russian republic in southern Siberia on the borders of Mongolia. Their music is often called throat or laryngeal singing and the technique involves singing the overtones along with the note. Their repertoire is traditional and reflects Tuvan culture and everyday life, their acknowledgement of nature and interaction with it through shamanistic ritual. The musicians were: Kaigal-ool Khovalyg vocals/igyl (two-stringed bowed lute)/flute; Radik Tyulyush vocals/byzaanchi (four-stringed bowed lute)/khomuz (similar to Jew’s harp); Alexei Saryglar vocals/tuyug (horse hooves)/tungur (Shaman drum)/igyl. The fourth member of the group, Sayan Bapa, could not be present. These musicians are virtuosi on their instruments and, with the singing, provided a highly professional performance. Very impressive, enjoyable, mesmerising yet homely, a great gig.
added by Ashurbanipal

Concert added by Ashurbanipal
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